Neighbor in Need provides critical repairs to low-income and elderly neighbors' homes in the East Lake, Kirkwood, and Edgewood neighborhoods of Atlanta, GA
We help elderly home owners age in place.
Helping our senior neighbors age in place in their homes is what Neighbor in Need is all about. Rising taxes, increased living expenses, medical costs and the stressors of growing older should not mean our long time elderly neighbors have to leave their homes. Neighbor in Need, Inc. is 100% volunteer run. There is never a fee for our services. We take great care to hire professional service companies that provide best in class workmanship and materials, backed up with warranties and guarantees.

Making a difference.
For over twenty years, Neighbor in Need has successfully leveraged a unique combination of local community involvement, assistance from city and county officials, and business sponsorship to assist our seniors. Thanks to the generosity of individuals like you, Neighbor in Need makes transformational home repairs to dozens of households annually at no cost to our elderly and low-income neighbors.
May - Kirkwood Spring Fling
June - Gala in the Garden
September - Wine Stroll
November - Cottage Groove
Annual Events
May - Kirkwood Spring Fling
June - Gala in the Garden
September - Wine Stroll
November - Cottage Groove
Annual Events
- Sat, Jun 07AtlantaThe party continues - kick off the Summer with us at the East Lake Community Garden!
Keep Up With Us!
Neighborhood events, parties, fundraising events, completed projects, urgent needs...so much going on all the time.
Make sure to follow us on Instagram & Facebook!